Welcome to Our Community Partnered Event: Plant People

Hello and welcome to our Community Partnered Event at Plant People. We’re so grateful for this collaboration and for Christina opening her precious space, allowing us to host this event.  I’m Kia Davis, Im the Founder and Principal Designer of the Carsyn Neille Foundation. 

We are a community-driven, grassroots organization that is passionate about improving the quality of life of children affected by childhood cancer and  dedicated to helping families nationwide heal and thrive.  

Our Mission is all about Impacting and strengthening local families by building and providing a community to and for families affected by childhood cancer; while also empowering and educating them about wellness solutions and sustainable, non-toxic spaces. 

I’d like to welcome you and congratulate you - you've taken the first step in learning how to create your own healthy space. Whether its a Rooms to Thrive™ for your sick child, an office space to greatly increase productivity, welcoming a new baby into your home or moving a teen into a college dorm our Community-Partnered Events are a great way to build an amazing foundation on ways to create a sustainable, nontoxic space that contributes to your families quality of life and thrivorship. 

We hope you enjoy tonight’s self guided tour with information about Natural Air Purifying Plants, the Importance of Clean Air in Your Home, Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality and How to Clip and Propagate Plants at Home. 



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